
“So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them, male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:27

God created man and women. There are only two genders. The differences go down to the bones and genes. Transitioning between male and female is impossible. The soul of those who experience homosexuality does not agree with the body God gave them. They experience inner strive agains there own body. Homosexuality is a spiritual attack on the human body. Many were convinced by the LGBT ideology that Transitioning between male and female is possible when in reality it is not and as a result many lives were destroyed. Today there are numerous who regret desperately the treatment they have undergone. If God created you a woman, he wants you to be a woman and if he created you a man, he wants you to be a man. God makes no mistakes. He can help you to become the person he wants you to be.  God has given the solution through the Good News of Jesus. There is life changing power. Contact us for help and send us your prayer request. 

We are here to support you with prayer. There is life changing power in the Good News of Jesus. Contact us and one of our Prayer Team members will get in touch with you.